Olive oil and cheese, order online

What is EVO oil

EVO oil is an extra virgin olive oil obtained by pressing only healthy olives with a mechanical process. Choosing to use EVO oil is said to have many health benefits: it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.

Spanish tradition says that in childhood it contributes to the proper growth and formation of bones, while for adults it is recommended to protect the cardiovascular system.

Oil and cheese

All cheeses assume a milk base, which can be cow, goat, sheep or a mixture of the three. The endless variations of cheeses are possible thanks to different processes and local traditions.

To choose the best oil to pair with cheeses, we must first understand the degree of maturity and fat content. The texture of the cheese and many other factors can determine the success of the pairing. The combinations are often determined by personal taste, but a simple classification can be made by distinguishing fresh and aged cheeses on the one hand, and oils for the intensity of fruity notes and bitter and spicy flavour sensations on the other.

A slightly fruity oil, like the CHIQUITITA bodega Francisco Gomez, can be perfectly paired with a medium-aged cheese. The reason why delicate oils are recommended for this type of cheese is so as not to cover the flavour of the raw material.

In contrast, fresh cheeses need medium-intensity oils that can give a balanced flavour, such as Extra virgen La Murla by L’Abella Mel

For each cheese there is a pairing

The same rules apply to different types of cheese.
Cumin goat/sheep cheese, with a compact and quite tasty texture, can be combined with an oil with a mild and delicate flavour.
For cow’s milk cheeses, which tend to have a sweeter taste, more intense and persistent oils are recommended.
Goat cheeses, with their intense flavour and aroma, go well with medium-intensity oils.
In general, oils with a delicate flavour go well with equally delicate and refined foods. The more savoury oils, with a round flavour and medium intense aromas, are combined with foods with more pronounced aromas.
Finally, oils with a more bitter and spicy flavour go well with foods with a more robust texture.

Every rule has an exception

According to what we have said so far, mozzarella is a light and delicate cheese, which should be paired with light and fresh oils. But it is fine to combine a bitter, tangy and fruity oil with a mozzarella without affecting the flavour balance.
This shows us that ultimately it is only us and our palates that decide what the best combination of flavours is. Following the guidelines and directions on the best combinations between oil and cheese certainly leads to good results … but in the end, it is only through bold new combinations that new and unexpected flavours are discovered!

And you? Have you ever tried cheese with nice olive oil?